The Reiss Interviews
The Reiss Interviews
Spend some time here and watch 4 interview segments of Candidate Alan Reiss as he is questioned about a number of important topics about Wayland and as they relate to the office he is seeking...
Reiss interview part 1
8 minutes 37 seconds
What is your vision for Wayland?
What are Wayland's 3 Biggest Problems?
What ideas do you have for reducing the towns ever increasing budget?
Do you have any thoughts on increasing revenues in Wayland?
Questions about controlling the frequency and sizes of overrides?
Candidate Reiss is interviewed on a wide array of topics...
Reiss interview part 2
8 minutes 35 seconds
What about Menu Overrides?
What about Bi-annual overrides and their impact on citizens?
What about our Moody's AAA Bond Rating?
Reiss interview part 3
9 minutes 16 seconds
What about Wayland Real Estate Depreciation ?
What can Wayland Government do to confront the economic crisis?
What is your position on the debt exemption ballot question?
(Errata Note: Our reimbursement from MSBA will be 40% and we pay 60% - Alan said it backwards.)
Can you comment on the recent private SOS meeting with our town government?
Reiss interview part 4
4 minutes 18 seconds
What about your idea of WaylandCoupons?
Why should voters vote for you?