You can help to bring about important changes that need to be made...
You can help to bring about important changes that need to be made...
I am considered a political outsider in Wayland. Probably because I ask the hard questions rather than settle for the status quo. When I was on the Board of Selectmen, I always tried to maintain a level of fiscal realism in the taxing and spending of your money. After all, that ís one of the most important things the Selectmen do. I took positions that would create more voter choice on ballot questions, and a firm stance of the protection of public safety in all override ballots. I took strong and unpopular positions on overrides because I believe voters deserve more choices on the ballot when it comes to more-overrides, or less-overrides, and severity of service cuts. I worked to rid our town of override extortion, a horrendous political tactic.
We now live with a town government which is virtually monolithic. The special interests have their ears and they promote the special interests agenda. From the Board of Selectmen to the Selectmen appointed Finance Committee, and the School Committee as well.
We need changes in town government and a better town government. We will need more than one Selectman of Change in office. electing me would be a start. And there are others in town and town government who are looking for change, like you. I represent an important voice of independent opinion and diversity of thought, and there are many other citizens in Wayland who support my candidacy because they share a belief in a better Wayland town government, not controlled by the special interests.
Diverse opinions are important for a viable government and democracy.
Here is how you can help:
1. Read all the printed political materials you receive, listen to what the candidates believe, then ask them questions about issues that are important to you. You have two votes for Selectmen, but if I am your candidate and there are no other candidates that truly represent your views, then vote only for me, and do not cast your second vote. That will improve my potential to win.
2. Please donate - any amount small or large. The dollars will be used to print materials, signs, advertisements, and to run an active campaign to get elected and represent you. Make your check payable to The Campaign to Elect Alan Reiss and mail it to 463 Old Conn Path, Wayland, MA 01778.
3. Agree to place a 'elect Alan Reiss' sign on your lawn. Let me know ASAP so that I can know how many to order. Please contact me by phone, email or US mail. My phone is 508-653-9411.
4. Forward my website address to your friends and neighbors in Wayland, and ask them to consider voting for me.
5. Invite me to visit with you and your friends or neighbors, in your home, so that you can tell me what is important to you. I would be honored to attend.
6. Email me so that I can communicate with you directly, while cutting down on time and costs.
Thank you,
And I need you to help me accomplish these things for all of us....